Feasibility Study of Grid Connected Solar Pv Design With Battery At Sandai 150/20 Kv Substation As A Tayap 4 Feeder Backup When System Blackout Occurs
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Distribution system of Sandai 150/20 kV substation at Ketapang System located in West Kalimantan, Indonesia still has the potential for blackout due to low of backup energy supply. This research aims to make an analysis of the design of grid connected Solar PV with battery used as a backup for Tayap 4 feeder at Sandai Substation when the system experiences a disturbance and operated as island. The selection of solar PV is needed as an effort to optimize renewable energy in the West Kalimantan region. The research method is by conducting simulations on PVsyst software to understand the energy supplied into the load. Solar PV capacity size, battery size, and battery operation scheme become variable used in this research. Furthermore, in order for the PV plant to serve the Tayap 4 load when there is a grid outage, the minimum PV capacity is 5.5 MWp with a battery of 18,739 kWh at 80% DOD. The results of the financial analysis of the feasibility of the investment meet the investment feasibility criteria with the selling assumption using the upper limit of the local COE of IDR 3,684.