Stability Test of Modified Chitosan Adsorbent to Improve the Quality of Used Cooking Oil

Hamsina Hamsina (1), Andi Abriana (2), Ifa Safira (3), Ruslan Hasani (4)
(1) Department of Chemical Engineering, Universitas Bosowa , Makassar, 90231 Indonesia
(2) Department of Technology of Food, Universitas Bosowa, Makassar, 90231 Indonesia
(3) Department of Natural Science Education , Universitas Bosowa, Makassar, 90231, Indonesia
(4) Nursing Departement, Polythecnic of Health Makassar, Makassar, Indonesia
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Chitosan membrane modified by pine charcoal has high stability and can be used as an adsorbent medium to improve the quality of used cooking oil. This study aims to determine the optimum concentration of chitosan membrane modified by activated pinecone charcoal, test the membrane stabilization in the refining process of used cooking oil, and characterize the refined use of used cooking oil. The method used in this study went through several stages, starting with the stages of producing activated charcoal from pine cones, then producing chitosan membranes modified by activated charcoal at various concentrations, which were then tested for membrane stabilization and refined oil characteristics. The results obtained from this study were the optimum concentration of the membrane in the ratio of chitosan and activated charcoal of pine cones, namely 3.5 : 1.5 with a total mass of 7 grams, resulting in a K2 membrane morphology with an elastic and dense state. In the FTIR test, a group absorption pattern amida function was obtained (N˗CH2) streching at a wave number of 2350 cm-1 against K2 membranes and membranes that are not resistant to acidic and alkaline chemicals, as well as the purified membrane's fatty acid content decrease of 0.442% and water content test of 0.6%, the tensile strength of the membrane at break, which is 2.25 and high porosity pine charcoal chitosan membrane has a 27%.